Artifical Intelligence Chair - Deep Computational Imaging
Funded by ANR - French Agency for National Research

Deep Computational Imaging (DeepCim) is a Four-year (Sept. 2020- Aug. 2024) project that develops optimization and deep learning based solutions in computational imaging, building in part upon the achievements of the ERC-CLIM.

Journal Publications

  • J. Shi, Y. Xu, C. Guillemot, Learning Kernel-Modulated Neural Representation for Efficient Light Field Compression, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, submitted, July 2023.
  • B. Le Bon, M. Le Pendu, C. Guillemot, Joint Fourier Disparity Layers unrolling with learned view synthesis for light field reconstruction from few-shots focal stacks, IEEE Access, July 2023, 11, ⟨ 10.1109/access.2023.3329328 ⟩.
  • J. Shi, C. Guillemot, Distilled Low Rank Neural Radiance Field with Quantization for Light Field Compression, arxiv, Sept. 2022. [preprint]
  • M. Le Pendu, C. Guillemot, Preconditioned Plug-and-Play ADMM with Locally Adjustable Denoiser for Inverse Problems, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, accepted, Nov. 2022. [preprint]
  • R. Fermanian, M. Le Pendu, C. Guillemot, Learned Gradient of a Regularizer for Plug-and-Play Gradient Descent, Siam Journal on Imaging Science, accepted, Nov. 2022. [preprint]
  • H. Amirpour, C. Guillemot, M. Ghanbari, and C. Timmerer, Advanced Scalability for Light Field Image Coding, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), accepted, Nov. 2022. [preprint]
  • X. Jiang, J. Shi, C. Guillemot, Untrained Neural Network Prior for Compact Light Field Representation and Compression, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP), accepted, Oct. 2022. [preprint]
  • G. Le Guludec, C. Guillemot, Deep Unrolling for Light Field Compressed Acquisition using Coded Masks, IEEE Access, accepted, Apr. 2022. [More] [preprint]
  • G. Le Guludec, E. Miandji, C. Guillemot, Deep Light Field Acquisition Using Learned Coded Mask Distributions for Color Filter Array Sensors, IEEE Trans. on computational imaging (TCI), vol. 7, pp. 475-488, 2021, May 2021. [preprint, More]
  • G. Gravier, E. Fromont, N. Courty, T. Furon, C. Guillemot, P. Robuffo Giordano, Rennes - une IA souveraine au service de la vie publique, Bulletin de l'Association Francaise pour l'Intelligence Artificielle, AFIA, 2021.
    Conference Publications

  • R. Fermanian, T. Maugey, C. Guillemot, SphereDRUNet: A Spherical Denoiser for Omnidirectional Images, accepted, IEEE ISMAR, 2023. [preprint]
  • B. Le Bon, M. Le Pendu, C. Guillemot, Stochastic Unrolled Proximal Point Algorithm for linear image inverse problems, EUSIPCO, 2023. [preprint]
  • G. Le Guludec, C. Guillemot, Joint Neural Representation for Multiple Light Fields, ICASSP, 2023. [preprint]
  • B. Le Bon, M. Le Pendu, C. Guillemot, Unrolled Fourier Disparity Layer optimization for scene reconstruction from few-shots focal stacks, ICASSP, 2023. [preprint]
  • J. Shi, C. Guillemot, Light Field Compression via Compact Neural Scene Representation, ICASSP, 2023. [preprint]
  • H. Amirpour, C. Guillemot, C. Timmerer, FuRA: Fully Random Access Light Field Coding, European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), Lisboa, Sept. 2022. [preprint]
  • R. Fermanian, M. Le Pendu, C. Guillemot, Regularizing the Deep Image Prior with a Learned Denoiser for Linear Inverse Problems, IEEE MultiMedia Signal Processing (MMSP) workshop, 6-8 Oct. 2021. [More] [preprint]