Light field imaging has recently known a regain of interest due to the availability of practical light field capturing systems that offer a wide range of applications in the field of computer vision. However, capturing high-resolution light fields remains technologically challenging since the increase in angular resolution is often accompanied by a significant reduction in spatial resolution. This paper describes a learning-based spatial light field super-resolution method that allows the restoration of the entire light field with consistency across all sub-aperture images. The algorithm first uses optical flow to align the light field and then reduces its angular dimension using low-rank approximation. We then consider the linearly independent columns of the resulting low-rank model as an embedding, which is restored using a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN). The super-resolved embedding is then used to reconstruct the remaining sub-aperture images. The original disparities are restored using inverse warping where missing pixels are approximated using a novel light field inpainting algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing light field super-resolution algorithms, achieving PSNR gains of 0.23 dB over the second best performing method. This performance can be further improved using iterative back-projection as a post-processing step.
In all the experiments we degrade each sub-aperture image using a
Gaussian filter of size 7x7 with a standard deviation of 1.6 followed by
downscaling. We train our deep learning method using 98 light fields
from the EPFL, INRIA and HCI datasets and tested on a different set of
light fields. The proposed method was compared against a number of both
light field and single image super-resolution algorithms. The results in
table 1 show the performance in terms of PSNR where it can be seen that
our method achieves very competitive performance.The video shows the
low-resolution and corresponding light field restored our proposed
method. It can be immediately noticed that our method manages to restore
the texture detail and while preserving the angular coherence.