P. Allain, L. Guillo, C. Guillemot,
"Fast light field inpainting using angular warping with a color-guided disparity interpolation", ACIVS 2018 (pdf).
Download the presentation of all the results (supplementary materials, ~200 MB) (pptx)
This paper describes a method for fast and efficient inpainting of light fields.
We first revisit disparity estimation based on smoothed structure tensors and analyze typical artefacts with their impact for the inpainting problem.
We then propose an approach which is computationally fast while giving more coherent disparity in the masked region.
This disparity is then used for propagating, by angular warping, the inpainted texture of one view to the entire light field.
Performed experiments show the ability of our approach to yield appealing results while running considerably faster.
Inpainting Results
Playing the inpainted light field as a video ro check the inter-view coherency of the inpainted region.