Light fields denoising using 4D anisotropic diffusion

Pierre Allain, Laurent Guillo, Christine Guillemot,
"Light fields denoising using 4D anisotropic diffusion", ICASSP 2019.(pdf)


In this paper, we present a novel light field denoising algorithm using a vector-valued regularization operating in the 4D ray space. More precisely, the method performs a PDE-based anisotropic diffusion along directions defined by local structures in the 4D ray space. It does not require prior estimation of disparity maps. The local structures in the 4D light field are extracted using a 4D tensor structure. The paper then describes the strategy retained for setting the diffusion tensor parameters for the targeted denoising application. It then analyzes the influence of the model parameters on the denoising performance. Experimental results show that the proposed denoising algorithm performs well compared to state of the art methods while keeping tractable complexity.

Some denoising results

In this work, real light fields catured by Lytro Illum cameras from the EPFL dataset are being used. The Illum light fields are decoded and extracted by Dansereau's Matlab Light Field Toolbox.


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 33.14 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 30.10 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 30.82 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 31.20 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 31.20 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 30.54 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 29.47 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 31.43 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 30.37 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 33.42 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 30.31 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB Diffusion over 30 iterations at center view Denoised, PSNR 32.26 dB

Side by side comparison with state of the art method


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB, Denoised with LFBM5D, PSNR 29.90 dB Denoised with the proposed method, PSNR 30.10 dB


Noised, σ = 50/255, PSNR 14.15 dB, Denoised with LFBM5D, PSNR 33.26 dB Denoised with the proposed method, PSNR 33.42 dB